Drowsy driving is a serious problem throughout the country which can lead to many serious accidents, injuries and consequences for victims and their families.
As is always true following any motor vehicle accident, important legal resources are available to help injured victims with their damages.
It is estimated that one in 25 drivers report having fallen asleep at the wheel in the last 30 days. In addition, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that there were 72,000 car accidents; 44,000 injuries, and 800 deaths caused by drowsy driving during 2013. It is possible that the number of fatal accidents caused by drowsy drivers each year is as high as 6,000. Drowsy driving includes not only falling asleep behind the wheel but also driving while fatigued.
Driver fatigue can also be a serious problem on the roadways. Driver fatigue can result because a driver did not get adequate sleep, is overworked, is taking certain medications, using alcohol or because of a sleeping disorder that is going untreated. Driver fatigue can dangerously reduce needed reaction time while driving and make the driver less able to concentrate and pay attention to the roadways; slow their reactions when quick reactions are needed such as braking or steering; and may negatively impact their ability to make good decisions while driving.
Any type of driver, including commercial vehicle drivers, can suffer from driver fatigue which can create a danger on the roadway. Personal injury legal protections are available to victims of drowsy and negligent drivers to help them with the physical, financial and emotional damages they suffer because of am unexpected car accident caused by a drowsy driver.