Holding The Right People Accountable
Juul Labs has come under scrutiny by a number of advocacy groups who claim that Juul’s advertising campaign is aimed at teens. The advocacy groups cite the use of bright colors and youthful imagery, paired with fruity flavors offered by Juul as evidence of an effort to target the youth market.
However, the bright colors and fruity flavors belie a more insidious truth – that Juul, like traditional tobacco companies before it, is targeting an addictive product at America’s youth in order to assure a steady stream of customers – and profit – well into the future.
How Juul Targets Teens
Juul uses a special nicotine formulation directly derived from decades of research by cigarette companies seeking to create and foster addiction. The formulation uses a combination of nicotine salts and benzoic acid to deliver a dose of nicotine with effects far stronger than traditional cigarettes.
This extra nicotine kick is combined with two other features that make Juul e-cigarettes particularly enticing to kids:
- The product comes in enticing flavors such as fruit medley and crème brûlée which get rid of the “bad” taste of traditional cigarettes, and
- A small, easily concealable design.
Despite its relatively short time on the market (just over four years) a recent study of more than 1,000 12 to 17-year-olds found that 6.5% admitted to using a Juul e-cigarette. This troubling trend has not come about by accident. In June 2015, when the Juul e-cigarette was first released, the product launch was accompanied by a massive advertising campaign, including a full spread in Vice magazine, a publication that touts itself as the “#1 youth media in the world”. In addition, Juul began to heavily market its product on social media platforms frequented by America’s youth, such as Instagram and Twitter.
Hovde Dassow + Deets May Be Able to Help
Although framed as a safer alternative to smoking, Defendants’ JUUL e-cigarettes and JUUL pods still pose serious health risks to teenage users. According to a 2016 report of the United States Surgeon General, E-Cigarette Use Among Youth and Young Adults: A Report of the Surgeon General, besides nicotine addiction itself, the nicotine in JUULs and other e-cigarettes negatively influences adolescent brain development, specifically impairing:
- Cognitive
- Attention
- Memory processes
- Increasing the risk of anxiety disorders and depression
If you or a loved one knows a young adult who has become addicted to Juul e-cigarettes, contact our firm today. Our Indianapolis E-cigarette lawsuit attorneys are committed to assisting you however we can.
Don’t wait to get help. Contact our offices at 888-229-1778 today for a free consultation.